Bread slicer and bagger


Fast and compact solution for bagging bread immediately after automatic slicing.


Industrial slicers with continuous or intermittent blades, chosen according to the type of product to be cut, are predisposed to be combined in line with bagging machines, thanks to specific automatic loaders.

It is thus an automatic, compact and high-performance solution for slicing, packaging and sealing bags on a high-speed production line:

  • This type of line can achieve a production of 40 or 60 bags per minute depending on the configuration and the product to be processed,
  • Perfect for oval, round, irregular breads,
  • Soft, clean and high-speed slicing thanks to pneumatic blades tensioning,
  • A system of mechanical cams guides and synchronizes the different movements of the machine to ensure reliability and high performance,
  • Fast bag change time (5-7 seconds), thus avoiding the extended shutdown of production often necessary for this operation,
  • Clipband or Kwik-lock bag closure system installed directly in the bagging machine allowing immediate closure of the bag and ensuring the position and stability of the product inside.

Need help in the automation of your production processes?

Our experts will be happy to answer all your questions and support you
throughout the implementation of new effective and efficient solutions.

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