Spintech Cooling Spiral

Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main Spintech Cooling Spiral main

Compatible foods

  • Bread, brioche and Panettone
  • Pastry
  • Fresh pasta
  • Ready meals and Pizza
  • Fruit and vegetables
  • Meat and fish
  • Frozen desert
  • Soups, sauces and condiments


Compact and flexible spiral bringing your product to the correct temperature before packaging or freezing using ambient cooling or forced air.


Spintech cooling systems are flexible and tailored to the specific needs of each customer, bringing your product to the most suitable temperature for subsequent production operations:

  • Precision parameter settings,
  • Constant movement, no interruptions,
  • User-friendly control panel.

Spintech spirals are equipped with a patented Type C co-molded stainless steel-polymer belt with numerous productivity-enhancing benefits.

The design of Spintech spirals is customizable and modular according to your space and needs. Its unique design allows for optimized air circulation and low energy consumption.

The spiral is equipped with a connected system with a remote communication system to remotely manage and control your production and cases of deficiencies.

Our solutions can be calibrated for three types of refrigerants: the synthetic fluid Freon™ brand, as well as ammonia and CO2, two natural fluids. Due to its numerous advantages, we tend to recommend transcritical CO2 in our solutions:

Find out more about our food spiral and refrigeration solutions Spintech, a division of Storcan, HERE.

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