Hytrol 24-Volts accumulation conveyor (BZE24EZ)


Flexible conveyor allowing to manage several accumulation zones differently. Also good for small products. Incline version possible.


The model BZE24EZ Accumulating conveyor uses a series of 24VDC motors to drive full width belt over roller zones.

Quiet operation, zero pressure accumulation and reduced belt friction are some of the advantages.

• EZLogic® Accumulation System

• All-Electric Operation

• Adjustable MS-Type Floor Supports Available

• Direct Drive Roller

• Pop-Out Roller

The conveyor is divided into accumulation zones. Each zone is powered by a 24 VDC Motor. The motor may be turned off to cause product in that zone to stop. Hytrol’s EZLogic® Zone Controllers sense product presence and control the accumulation and release of product from the zones.

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