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avril 08, 2024

Izzy Coppola, a passion for industrial automation and customer relations

Izzy Coppola, a passion for industrial automation and customer relations

At the heart of Storcan works an "Italian" with unparalleled driving force: Izzy Coppola. For five years, Izzy has brought his infectious energy and extensive expertise to our team. But what sets him apart is his deep calling for the world of industrial automation and customer relations, a passion that has fueled him for decades and continues to drive him to excel every day.

In this interview, discover what drives Izzy daily, and what propels him to excel in his role as Sales Director at Storcan.

Storcan, a career and heart choice fueled by passion

"Why Storcan?" a simple question that finds a profound answer in the journey of this mechanical engineer. "It was my choice, I wanted to take on a new challenge and be in a dynamic company with a wide variety of solutions, a company that wanted to make things happen!" he shares. This dynamism, flexibility, and ability to integrate complex projects motivated Izzy from day one. But it's not just the company that attracted him; it's also a story of relationships, partnerships, and friendships forged over time.

"I've been working in the industrial and industrial automation field for 28 years," he shares with a hint of emotion in his eyes. This passion is deeply ingrained in him, and it's what motivates him to get up every morning, full of enthusiasm for the projects ahead.

His remarkable career, which began as a project engineer and technical team manager, has evolved into a true passion for sales and leadership. "I've always enjoyed being a mentor, advisor, and supporting my colleagues," he says with a smile.

Challenges abound in Izzy's daily life, who became the 1st Sales Director in Storcan's history. The workload can be a real challenge at times, but it's in transforming ideas into tangible solutions and teamwork that his greatest satisfaction lies. "I love seeing how an idea becomes a solution, a tangible piece of equipment," he says enthusiastically. For Izzy, it's this ability to create something durable for his clients that motivates him every day. His face lights up as he shares a particular anecdote of a client where years later, he still sees the physical result of an idea and its positive influence.

"Keep paddling"

An expression that resonates deeply with him. "Like in a canoe, you keep paddling and moving forward," he explains. This mentality of perseverance and action, inherited from his parents, accompanies him at every step of his career, reminding him of the importance of continuing to move forward, even in difficult times. For Izzy, inaction is more detrimental than action, and it's by overcoming his fears and looking forward that he finds the greatest success.

Always presentable, punctual, and organized, Izzy fully embodies the value of professionalism at Storcan. "I'm always ready just in case," he says.

In conclusion, Izzy Coppola truly embodies the spirit of Storcan: dynamic, passionate, and resolutely professional. His commitment to his team and his ability to turn ideas into reality make him a valuable asset to our company. Izzy is more than just an employee; he is a living example of what it means to be driven by passion.